
Branding guide

  WELCOME TO AMERICAN TALL  Although it might seem that we just appeared over-night, we’ve always been here - we are the folks who fought endlessly with our bosses, trying to get the brands we worked for to extend sizes to include tall sizes. A few of us industry veterans got tired of hearing that tall men and women don’t represent a viable market, and we set out to prove that you do. We know the frustration of reaching for a "tall shirt", putting it on and hoping it’s long enough; or standing in a store measuring all the "tall pants" in an effort to find the one pair that MIGHT cover the ankles. It’s an injustice and we are the kind of people who always seem to root for the underdog, the little guy. Funny - you, the “little guy”. But our stated mission is to offer you the tall clothing you reach for day in and day out - the comfortable, core items that form the bulk of your wardrobe. The “elevated basics” as we call them. We also want you to enjoy the season’s tren

We use to wait

The song has a Joyful kind of tune to it. But the song is really sad. It's about how time is changing. It starts off using first person.  And throughout the song he uses a repeated Oh’s, We’s, Waits,...etc. What I got from it is people will go different directions in life some people will stay in the spot there in and they have a choice to stay there and not go nowhere or you can not wait and for it and see where time will take you.

Reading in a whole new way

    After reading the article I think reading on screen is good for older people who can't see well. As technology advances I think it fits the younger generation more than it does with old people. From what I've read it seems like technology favors towards the younger side than older. But not all hope is lost. Reading on a screen can be beneficial to the elders. For example they can zoom in on the words on the book they're reading. Another example the electronical book can read to those who can't hear good.


     Hello Class, My name is Grayson Fowler. Im a senior this year and my major is Graphic Design with a minor of Communications.